REST API feedback from Automattic teams

Hi everybody!

A bunch of teams within Automattic have spent the last week or two reviewing the REST API from the perspective of how it compares to their usage of the REST API. Here’s a summary of their thoughts – I’ve stripped it down to the bare minimum, I can drag people in if you’d like more info. 🙂

Posts and Pages


We use an endpoint to retrieve post-counts for different post-type-statuses (e.g., draft posts, or published pages), so that we can limit the status-selector to those that are relevant and to show the counts in the UX.

The request for post-counts is implemented as its own endpoint, but can also be combined with the post-list endpoint, so we can retrieve the data we need for that page in a single query.


In the wpcom rest-api, in the Post object, we deliver an object showing the current user’s available permissions, which we use to determine which controls to show the user on the front end. I see some permission checks happening in the Post object request for wp-api, but I don’t see permissions being returned as part of the response.


There doesn’t seem to be a method for getting theme supported formats for a site.


In addition to page/offset parameters, the API has a page_handle parameter for faster paging through post lists.


Nothing in settings has been implemented.


Nothing in themes has been implemented.

In particular, there’s no way to retrieve or set add_theme_support() type things. Featured image, registered nav menus, content_width, etc.


Missing pagination, total count and search.


There’s nothing implemented in the core REST API, but there is a “WP-API Menus” extension, which has a bunch of problems compared to

  • Read only.
  • Uses a flat data structure rather than a tree data structure. Clients could change to cope with this difference, but it’d be easier to have things the same from the start.

Site Management

Missing site, theme and plugin updates [display and actions].


We’ve run into many performance problems, particularly with endpoints that need to parse post content. Are there any performance tests available, with very large data sets? How does it compare to XML-RPC?



The /batch endpoint encourages apps written for the to be efficient with round trips. For example, a first request could get a list of posts, then a second request could make requests to different endpoints for each of those posts, all at once.

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Information disclosure security vulnerability debrief

Now that we’ve had time for the dust to settle, we’d like to publicly debrief on the information disclosure security vulnerability from last Thursday, April 9th.

What the problem was:

  • Any user, whether authenticated or unauthenticated, could access any post revision. Post revisions should only be accessible to authenticated users who have permission to edit the post.

What happened:

  • Thursday morning, 6:39 am PT, a WP-API user submitted a public GH issue with the information disclosure security vulnerability.
  • Daniel saw the issue, saw it for what it was, and had a bit of an “oh shit moment”. His first step was to attempt to reach out to the security team for guidance.
  • Around 7:45 am PT, Nacin responded and created a private Slack channel to coordinate the response. He suggested releasing a fix as quick as we could, and being loud about the release.
  • Daniel created reasonably private release branches on his own fork to share with testing. Joe and Rachel helped out with testing. We set 10:30 am PT as the announcement time.
  • As we got closer to announcement, we added a variety of WordPress community members to the private Slack channel to help verify the fix.
  • In this process, Joe found a third, less critical but still severe bug to fix. This delayed the release by an hour. We had already shipped v1.1.2, v1.0.1, v0.9.1 and v0.8.1 to, which necessitated creating new versions. v1.2.1 wasn’t affected by the third bug.
  • Fixed versions of WP-API and announcement post were live by 1:39 pm PT, exactly 7 hours after the Github issue was opened. Auto-updates started rolling shortly after that.

What went well:

  • Daniel: We shipped the fix out in a timely manner.
  • Daniel: Private Slack room to gather applicable parties. As the issue progressed, we added representatives from some hosts, etc.
  • Daniel: One person dedicated to committing fixes, and another dedicated to testing.
  • Daniel: Multiple people that could’ve taken the lead on getting the fixes shipped.
  • Daniel: Auto-updates greatly increase confidence of getting the fix deployed to live sites.
  • Daniel: Representative from hosts were attentive once we had them identified.
  • Joe: Prioritised other commitments, Daniel especially – gave up a whole day to fix the issue. Not possible for everyone to do at the drop of a hat, but as a team, we reacted well.
  • Joe: Communication throughout was very good – the private group on slack provided a good way to converse. Also, external comms with numerous stakeholders was very good.
  • Joe: Reviewing / testing – lots of people were fast to react and test fixes, I also put in a bunch of time to verify, this made the push live much smoother when it finally happened.

What can be done better next time

  • Daniel: Bug shouldn’t have been publicly disclosed. It was only a matter of timing that Daniel saw and acted on it promptly. Could’ve been much worse.
  • Daniel: Difficulty getting ahold of the security team. There was an hour delay before we had Nacin involved and a security backchannel going. Next time need to email
  • Daniel: Would be nice to have some advance list of sites, people, etc. to reach out in advance of publicly disclosing.
  • Joe: Having a more structured approach / run book document on what we should have done. For example, who can commit to the SVN repo, list of people we should reach out to.
  • Joe: Perhaps a definition of how many version back we decide to patch – perhaps case by case depending on the severity of the issue though.
  • Rachel: Explicitly mention everyone should update, even those who have checked it out via version control. The language of the announcement post could’ve communicated this better.
  • Rachel: Identify a dedicated “press” contact for everyone who wants to write about it.

Feel free to ask questions, add comments, etc. in the comments.

WP-API chat summary – April 6th, 2015

  • On Friday, we started going through 2.0-beta1 issues. Asked Rachel why we did crazy things where we did crazy things. Some new issues opened.
  • Daniel bonked hard on the password handling code. Setting a cookie to view a password-protected post in REST API is pretty bad.
  • Core’s cookie handling is per COOKIE_HASH, not post, so viewing a second password-protected post nullifies the first.
  • We can’t pass the password as a GET parameter because it could expose the password in the logs.
  • accepts the password as a GET parameter. This is likely an unacceptable risk for core.
  • Ryan suggested authorization headers instead of parameters.
  • Another open question: what fields are expected to be password-protected?
  • We should err on the side of less data (e.g. not in the loop) for the time being.
  • Discussed #1023 (returning error when returned data mismatches declared schema)
  • Meech suggested we try not to solve the problem of “anyone with access to the source code can break the API”
  • Ryan’s suggestion is we encourage clients to write robust clients, and not segfault on bad data. Likes the idea of including useful header data in the request, but not in the response.
  • Q: Should plugin developers be able to remove fields from a response?
  • Rachel has used our existing filters in v1 of the plugin to add and remove fields.
  • Ryan: it’s important our documentation emphasizes removing fields would break things.
  • Meech: Consider who we’re protecting, and what we’re protecting them from. This seems to be protecting clients from bad plugins. But it really seems we’re trying to force people to use our ideas. If I’m a plugin and start breaking clients, I’ll get reports on how to fix it.
  • Rachel: Users can disable WordPress themes with a constant. We should make sure WP-API is as extensible as WordPress.
  • Rachel: 80% of users don’t know how to write the PHP code to break a response. The 20% that can, also know how to refer to documentation and best practices.
  • Joe: Agree with the consensus. Get really pissed off when someone locks down what he knows how to work around.
  • Decision to not restrict removal of fields. We can’t easily report the distinction either.


WP-API Lovers, it’s been too long…

Hi everybody, remember us? After a long downtime between actual posts, we figured it was time to clue you in on what’s been happening in the wonderful world of the REST API. Here’s our recap of the goings on.

Version 1.2

The astute among you will have noticed we recently released version 1.2 of the API. If you’re not using it already, you’re missing out on Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) support, new actions and filters to support hijacking requests (for things like caching), and a tonne of bug fixes. Our thanks go out to all 29 (!!!) contributors to this release, and to Brian Krogsgard for our fantastic new plugin header.


It’s also with a little bit of sadness and a lot of excitement that we announce 1.2 will be the final major release for the 1.x branch. While version 1 has served us well, it’s time to move on to better things and prepare the project for core integration. Version 2 is well underway, and we’re hoping to have a beta out in the next month or so.

Version 1.9?

As @rachelbaker mentioned in the release post for 1.2, there’ll actually be another almost-release on the 1.x branch. From the start of the project, I’ve always pledged compatibility with whatever goes in to core. Our almost-release will be a final-final release on the v1 branch, with no new features or bug fixes, but instead removing the internals of the version 1 code and hooking them up to version 2.

This will allow existing code to work essentially forever into the future, using the version 1 interface around the version 2 implementation. Bug fixes on version 2 should then also be carried down to the version 1 code.

I’ve taken to calling this shim Version 1.9, although it may not end up as that in the end. Whatever the case, this won’t be counted as a full version 1 release, as it will only be a wrapper around version 2. We do, however, plan to have full backwards compatibility as with every other release.

Version 2

Version 2 is under pretty heavy development right now. For those not familiar, this is the non-backwards-compatible edition of the API intended specifically for core integration. Version 2 is unlikely to ever have a full standalone release, however we’re planning on releasing betas on the lead up to core merge.

Note that while version 2 isn’t backwards compatible with version 1, it is an iteration on v1, so the API will be both inwardly and outwardly familiar to anyone using v1. We’re following a policy of not changing things purely for the sake of it, so the eventual version will be easy to adapt to for anyone using it now.

So far, our core focus has been around two key elements: extensibility, and consistency. We’ve refactored and rearchitectured a fair chunk of the core endpoints to make them more easily reusable, as well as ensuring that our core endpoints all follow a similar structure to make them easier to learn. As part of this, we’ve also introduced better support for common tasks like checking permissions, as well as changing the way endpoints interface with the infrastructure. One key change is that endpoints now receive only a single Request object parameter (modeled after PSR-7, for those keeping count). This means that parameter registration has moved out of the function signature and up to the endpoint registration instead.

We’re also working on making requests and responses consistent across the board, including swapping our dodgy filter parameters out for better supported querying. Fields are being renamed across the board (albeit not without careful consideration first) to make it easier to learn and use the API, as well as helping clients be more robust. Internal linking is also changing to match the HAL specification, along with support for “embedding” related requests. This is designed to help mobile clients and similar avoid excessive round-trips, but does come with the cost of larger response bodies, but we’ve made this up to client authors to decide and calculate the tradeoffs.


API meetings now take place twice a week on Mondays at 23:00 UTC and Wednesdays at 23:00 UTC in the #core-restapi channel on the WordPress Slack. Our format is similar to the WordPress core meetings, with each meeting lasting up to an hour.

We also occasionally replace these meetings with voice and video meetings on Google Hangouts, depending on availability and agenda. In these cases, we’ll post the hangout link in the channel at the start of the hour. Everyone is welcome to join and listen in or participate, but please appreciate the limited amount of time and energy we have for these meetings.


Thank you again to all the wonderful people who make this API possible, including but not limited to the amigos (Rachel, Daniel, and Joe), our core team minders (Gary, Dion, and nacin, among others), lovable lurkers (Demitrious), everyone speaking about the API (I don’t know how Jack Lenox gets anything else done), our wonderful publicists journalists (Brian and Sarah), and everyone else. And you, especially you. ❤

We’re also opening this comment thread for any thoughts, feedback, feelings, or otherwise that you’d like to post. If there’s something you want to tell us or talk about, here’s the opportunity to do so.


WP-API chat notes – February 11th

Daniel, Joe, and Ryan chatted over Skype. Ryan was unavailable for 20 minutes in the middle of it. Rachel couldn’t make it.

  • Main thing want to fix is that we get continual questions about meta.
  • Ryan has made a doc change to explain why we don’t expose meta by default.
  • Joe: Can we just go through and fix all of the bugs?
  • Daniel: Some are fixable bugs, other are debatable bugs. Let’s rename “Feedback” to “Discussion” as an indicator for debatable bugs.
  • Discussed DELETE requests
  • Problem is that it’s inconsistent: calling DELETE twice shouldn’t have different behaviors.
  • Ryan’s proposal: DELETE always trashes the post. force=true must be passed to permanently deleted.
  • Discussed invalid arguments:
  • Post format needs to be validated against a set of potential options.
  • parent_id and author_id need to be validated against their respective objects
  • post_title and post_content also should check string types because saving an object would be bad
  • One potential implementation is some validate argument of the schema that is automatically checked before hitting create_item()
  • Discussed read-only fields:
  • Might be another argument for preflighting data so we can throw an error if you try to supply the field
  • Possible rule to follow for the API: if invalid data has been provided for a valid field, throw an error. If invalid data has been provided for an invalid field, we can silently ignore.
  • Joe and Daniel are generally against nested object for discussion. Count should be an attribute of the link to the collection, and it doesn’t make sense to have statuses for posts and pings. We should avoid nested objects as much as possible because they make for painful cURL requests.
  • Title (raw|rendered) and content (raw|rendered) are unaddressed beasts in this regard. Some discussion of their inconsistencies.
  • Discussed named routes:
  • One useful use for this is shorthand for referring to other routes. Avoids having to update a bunch of paths.

WP-API chat notes – January 21st

  • Comments pull request is looking pretty good.
  • Daniel’s point about renaming fields seems valid, although we should do it all at once.
  • Once we have everything working to some degree, we can have the masses file their bug reports
  • Rachel’s concern is that pull requests can get caught up in the minutia; solution: file an issue and come back to it. Issues are cheap.
  • Q: What about other idiosyncrasies, like JSmith’s concern that you can’t create a new post with post_author=0?
  • Joe suggests we have a label for v1 vs v2 to better distinguish pull requests.
  • Joe wants to discuss the capabilities pull request. Two contexts: options request to see if they can do something (don’t have necessary context), or a request with the specific context (e.g. specific author or post).
  • Daniel apologized for being an asshole. He got frustrated, and didn’t communicate his frustration appropriately. It’s important to remember that we’re all volunteering our team, and should treat each other with the most respect possible.
  • Joe suggested we do one video chat a week, and one text chat a week. Everyone thinks this is a good idea.
  • Ryan is having internet difficulties at home. He will be having trouble making the meeting on time for another couple weeks.
  • We reviewed the core merging plan. Capabilities PR is the last item for the server aspect.
  • Issue #717 is ripe for taking. Ryan offered to itemize what he was thinking.
  • Ryan asks whether we can move schema down and out of the server, so we can have core developers start looking at the server components.
  • Daniel thinks that’s fine — a good sign that the server is relatively stable is that we haven’t been making many changes.
  • Ryan’s been looking at different implementations of batch requests. Both Facebook and use JSON pointers, but both are hairy. Still TBD what this could be.
  • Joe: Presumably you need to worry about the dependency graph too.
  • Daniel: What about Github? What if you want to create an issue with labels?
  • Ryan: Think label is just a string, and they run a search against it. Assigning labels is just an array of strings
  • supports tags but doesn’t scale up to custom taxonomies, etc.
  • We have the opportunity to do it right, but it will be a lot of work. Let’s punt until Step 3.

Between now and Monday we want to:

  • Ryan: Triage and catch up with what’s going on
  • Daniel: Taking the file breakout, #717
  • Joe: Might take a swing at mapping out the options API.
  • Rachel: Getting pretty tired of rewriting endpoints. Going to take a bit of a break

Next week: Monday video chat. Wednesday text chat.

Hey everyone! Quick heads up…

Hey everyone! Quick heads up on some of the work that’s been going on this week:

  • The CLI client is now functional – The readme runs through how to connect WP-CLI to your site and get started. Currently, it only contains user and post reading functionality, however post creation/editing/deletion can be achieved relatively easy! This is more a question of time; building out the remaining functionality should be relatively painless. Volunteers welcome, as always!
  • Post endpoint testing is getting filled out@rachelbaker and I have been working on getting these up, with the aim of 100% coverage of the post endpoint code. We’re slowly getting there! Reminder that we can always use help with writing tests, as there’s plenty to tackle here.
  • JS client is getting filled out – Thanks to Taylor Lovett, Matthew Haines-Young and K. Adam White for a huge push on the JS client recently. This client is significantly better than the version in 1.0 thanks to the tireless effort from these folks; that said, contributors are always welcome.
  • BuddyPress now has an API plugin – modemlooper has created a plugin that adds API endpoints for BuddyPress. Take a look if you’re interested in using BuddyPress data!
  • Pods now has an API plugin – Scott Kingsley Clark has created a plugin that adds API endpoints for Pods. Check it out!
  • I also threw up a quick doc site using Flatdoc with our existing route documentation. This doesn’t include our guides or the rest of our documentation, but is a cool start anyway!

(Worth noting, since I don’t think I did previously: the WooCommerce API was built from a previous version of the API. Also worth taking a look at.)


1.0 is out! Thanks to…

1.0 is out! Thanks to everyone who helped out with this release and made it the best so far.

That said, progress never halts! We’re working on 1.1 now, and there’s already a heap of issues open. We need to start on a huge documentation and testing push, which @rachelbaker has already started on.

We’ll also have the normal office hours this week; hope to see you there!

Draft Core Integration Plan

I’ve published the initial draft of the core integration plan for the API on GitHub. It covers motivation behind the API, rationale for the current design, and concerns of the integration itself. Feedback extremely welcome.

I’ll also be around for regular office hours in 12 hours.

Also, before I forget about…

Also, before I forget about it: office hours in 9.5 hours. 🙂